Healthy Recipes: Strawberry Chia Seed Jam

Healthy Recipes: Strawberry Chia Seed Jam

This low-sugar jam is easy to prepare and also boasts antioxidants, vitamins, fiber, and Omega 3. 

Strawberries are in-season in California January through May, but can be found year-round fresh and frozen. Chia seed jam can also be made with blackberries, raspberries, and seasonal fruits of choice.

Healthy Strawberry Chia Seed Jam Recipe


  1. Strawberries (very ripe or frozen) 

  2. Chia Seeds 

  3. Monk Fruit Sweetener (optional)

Directions (Makes 1 cup of jam)

  1. Add 2 cups of fruit to a saucepan over medium-high heat. 

  2. When fruit warms up and breaks down, mash it with a spoon.

  3. Add 2 tablespoons of chia seeds, stir, remove from heat. 

  4. Allow 5 minutes to cool. 

  5. Enjoy immediately, or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week. 

Healthy Strawberry Chia Seed Jam Recipe

Nutritional Benefits of Strawberries 

  1. Rich in Vitamin C (for heart health, immunity building, and cancer prevention).

  2. Have antioxidants like flavonoids and anthocyanins. 

  3. Low calorie and high fiber (great for weight management).

Nutritional Benefits of Chia

  1. High in phosphorus and magnesium—minterals that help in bone health. 

  2. Contain healthy fats and fiber. 

  3. Have (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid for cardiovascular health. 



Strawberry Chia Seed Jam Recipe

Healthy Strawberry Chia Seed Jam Recipe

Public Statement by Long Valley Health Center


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